Sunday, February 26, 2006

Junk Mail Offers Bum Deal

Junk mail can be a real pain in the ass sometimes.

I was reminded of that while sifting through an envelope filled with coupons for area St. Paul businesses, and stumbled upon a brochure titled: Hemorrhoids - The Problem No One Talks About.

I wonder why no one wants to talk about it? It almost makes me wish I had hemorrhoids. Then I could shift every normal conversation toward that torrid zone of too much information.

My boss: Hey, Rocky, how was your weekend?

Me: Oh, it was OK until that wicked hemorrhoid flare-up. It felt like my jockey shorts had been marinated with a fine blend of tabasco sauce and itching powder. Every time I sat down, I yipped like a coyote caught in a bear trap. I wish Krispy Kreme made a donut you could sit on.

Luckily, pain in the ass conversations like that could be a thing of the past thanks to the hemorrhoid brochure, which boasts of Infrared Coagulation (IRC): The non-surgical solution.

That's good news. It's bad enough to have to undergo any kind of surgery, and I can't imagine having to go under the knife to fix my ass. The whole thing would seem unnatural from the moment they wheeled me face down on the gurney into the operating room.

How come we've never seen this procedure on ER? That would be some riveting drama. I would have liked to see George Clooney, Julianna Margulies, or that Revenge of the Nerds guy get stuck with some bulging ass veins for a change instead of their usual traumatic medical bullshit.

Inside the brochure, a banner headline reads: Hemorrhoids - A Problem Worth Solving. But what if your hemorrhoids are like a really complicated word problem involving two trains - one leaving Chicago at 9:30 PM doing 52 miles per hour and another leaving Chattanooga at 10:15 PM doing 63 miles per hour? Maybe then you'd just say fuck it, it's not worth solving, I'll just worry about this extra lump inside my scrotum instead.

Don't Suffer Another Day the brochure brags at the bottom. But the suffering is only beginning. The middle two pages feature a list of questions, and I must admit, I was shocked by the answers. Of course, the place only paints a pretty picture, so I've added my own interpretation of what the real answers could be as a paranoid non-medical service to the readers of this blog.

Rocky's disclaimer: Then again, I could just be bitter ever since I lost my ass virginity about 3 years ago to a doctor's hand. Marcus Welby claimed he was checking my prostate, but it seemed like his fingers were careening towards my spleen. I found his watch the next day. A week after that I found his class ring.

Enough about my ass, let's get back to the hemorrhoids brochure...

Question #1: What is IRC?
Brochure answer: It's a minimally invasive non-surgical hemorhhoid treatment... A small probe contacts the area above the hemorhhoid, exposing the tissue to a burst of infrared light for one second... The patient may feel a slight sensation of heat, but it is generally not painful, therefore anesthesia is not required...

My take: Maybe nothing around your ass is minimally invasive, it's more like D-Day... A small probe? Who's doing the procedure? Aliens? Why can't they just leave your ass alone and go back to doing their silly little crop circles and mutilating farm animals?... This sounds like bullshit. Whenever they say it's not going to hurt, it usually does. When they say it's just going to be a little prick and it feels like you've been hit with a pitchfork, the only little prick you feel is the doctor who just brushed up against you during the procedure.

Question #2: Does the IRC procedure hurt?
Brochure answer: Medical studies have shown that our treatment causes much less discomfort than any other non-surgical hemorrhoid treatment and often is totally painless.

My take: Compared to what other non-surgical treatments? Having Dr. Scissorhands slice and dice your ass like it's an overgrown shrub? Or does a nurse don a welding shield like that chick from Flashdance and use a lighter in hopes of torching a fart to burn them out?

Question #3: How long is the procedure?
Brochure answer: Generally, it lasts about 10 minutes.

My take: If the procedure to zap the hemorrhoid only takes a second, what are they doing to your ass the other 9 minutes and 59 seconds? Blowing smoke up it, perhaps?

Question #4: How many treatments are required?
Brochure answer: This is on a case-by-case basis, but usually about 5-7 visits are required at 1-2 week intervals.

My take: Your ass will be getting tapped for the next 5 to 14 weeks. And giving someone 5 to 7 cracks at your ass seems excessive for such a simple, painless solution.

Question #5: Will I be able to have normal bowel movement?
Brochure answer: Yes, IRC produces no disruption to your work schedule or lifestyle.

My take: I'm not sure who gets to shit as part of their normal work schedule. Maybe the product tester at Charmin. If normal bowel movements don't start, I'd suggest eating 10 bean burritos from Taco Bell. It makes perfect sense, since their slogan is "Think outside the bun(s)." Not only would that make you so regular you'd be irregular, it would make them pay for making you come back for treatment #7.

Question #6: What must I do after the procedure?
Brochure answer: You can continue your usual activities, even on the day of treatment.

My take: Hey, congratulations! Your ass is normal! Go moon the audience of a crowded theatre. Go find a woman to spank you, as it will hurt in a good way for once.

Bringing up the rear on the back of the brochure are two testimonials, including photos of the people who used to be ass-ravaged. They did, however, only use their initials so just their friends and relatives will know the secret identities behind all of that burning, itching, swelling and bleeding. Thanks, L.W. and R.F., for telling us how you sat on your sore asses for 13 and 5 years respectively before doing something.

Finally, at the bottom of the page, the Hemorrhoid Treatment Center boasts of its "convenient" locations. Across the entire U.S.A., it's only found in seven states: Minnesota, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, New York, Ohio and Texas.

You know what this means? Some poor bastard in Maine or Washington State has to drive through about 5 or 6 states on that sore swollen ass just to get this simple treatment. After a trip like that, I'd say your bloated bum would be stuck with 20 to 25 treatments, minimum, which sounds like an even bigger pain in the ass than it's worth to me.


:P fuzzbox said...

I enjoyed your probing commentary. One wonders just how deep this problem goes. Inquiring fingers want to know.

JohnB said...

Ass-tacular post!!! Hey, I think if you let "Krispy Kremes" sit around long enough, they may just be the perfect backup for those burning moments.

StringMan said...

What are you doing to me, Rocky? You're killing me. You made me laugh so hard I popped two new hemmys! Now I have to drive all the way to New York, sitting on that Crispy Kreme donut thing. Thanks for nothin', Buddy!

And, yes, giving anybody "5 to 7 cracks at your ass" is indeed excessive -- at least on this side of Brokeback Mountain.

On My Watch said...

this hurts just reading about it. you're so funny.

Burfica said...

okay ain't nobody touching my hemroids. They can burn and itch all they want. I will do the shimmy in the chair, thing, to make people wonder what i'm doing.

I am not getting probed here me!!!!

I have a big old sign on my ass that says DO NOT ENTER!!!!


That's almost as bad as me getting the penis enlargment and irrectile disfuntion mail. I keep looking, but I don't have a penis. hehehehe

Jay Noel said...

"Holy ass probe Batman!"

This has to be one of the funniest posts I've read in a long time. Bravo!!!!

Alekx said...

Hmmmmm if burf doesn't have a penis maybe that's why she keeps getting the adds for the penis enlargement.

I don't have any great hemorid stories but honest to GOD I got a 911 call from a guy who said sent an ambulance my girlfriend has a syst on her twat.

That one was impossible to dispatch the parmedics with a straight face.

ella m. said...

For such a "kind and gentle" treatment they should at least offer a cuddle after attempting what basically amounts to prison rape with nightclub strobe lights.
That's just rude. :D

Ladybug Crossing said...

This is hysterical!! Thanks for the chuckle!!

David Amulet said...

Thanks for getting to the bottom of this story -- I was falling behind on medical news.

Sorry to be cheeky; I hope I don't end up the butt of your jokes.

-- david

warcrygirl said...

Even after two pregnancies carrying an over 9 lbs baby each time I still never got a case of the 'hemmies. Although I'd love to get myself a new ass; the one I have now has a big crack in it...

Jeremy said...

Wow, and I thought shooting lasers into people's eyeballs to correct vision was a bad idea!

Rocky said...

FUZZ - Yes, it does make you wonder. I just hope the inquiring fingers aren't Marcus Welby's.

JOHNB - I suppose the Krispy Kreme frosting would soothe a bit. And it would smell much better than Preperation H.

STRING - Ha! Sorry about the hemmy-popping. The 5-7 cracks is indeed a bit much.

RANEA - Thanks! :-) That would be a sweet gig. I could bitch about something different for a minute or two each week.

WATCHER - Awww, you're too sweet.

BURFICA - heehee, I love your posted sign on your butt. Maybe I need to get one on my ass that says ONE WAY. I would just need to make sure I clarify the one way is out! I have not seen the penis mail, I feel left out.

PHOENIX - Thanks, Phoenix. Between your alien ass probing posts and the hemorrhoid pamphlet, I was truly inspired.

ALEKX - Wow, what a 911 call. That's not one you'd hear every day!

ELLA - I totally agree, a cuddle should be part of the plan. Maybe the IRC "doctors" really do mimic prison life, and exchange patients for cartons of cigarettes.

LADYBUG - I'm always glad to make you giggle.

AMULET - I knew I could count on you for some clever smart ass comment. Well done!

BAD GIRL - I would be willing to be your partner in an IRC branch venture. But the only patient I would want is Marcus Welby. Then he can learn that payback is a real pain in the ass.

WARCRY - Sorry to hear about the broken bum. Maybe your hubby is handy and can fill that crack with something?! ;-D

TJOINT - Yes, the only one who deserves to get shot multiple times in the asshole with a laser is Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars.

Kevin said...

I'm so jealous. The only junk mail I ever get comes from pizza joints, fitness clubs and some nerdy Rosanne Rosannadanna lookalike real estate agent who wants to sell my house.

Anonymous said...

Just stopping by. I love your blog. Perhaps you would be interested in my site.

Keep on blogging.

Amy said...

All I’m saying is that… if I did have one hemorrhoid traveling at 52 mph and another traveling at 63 mph – I’d gladly get my ass tapped a couple of times in the name of furthering this whole IRC thing… In fact… an adult beverage or two or twelve… and a convincing, “I promise I’ll still respect you in the morning,” and I might just pay a visit to these folks hemmy or not… but that’s just me… heh.

Rocky said...

KEVIN - I hope Ed McMahon sends you a junk letter every once in a while. I've enjoyed his "You might be the next winner" bullshit for 20 years.

KEV - I'm glad you love my blog, and it's ironic I got a junk link in a post about junk mail - that I can appreciate.
I appreciate the link suggestion, but I assure you I am not interested in any anal bleaching.
I'm very self-conscious about my looks and don't want to have "roots" on my ass hairs a few weeks later. If you sent me a link called "analhighlights" you may have hooked me, but the anal bleaching was too over the top.
By the way, what do you use to bleach your anus, a turkey baster and Tide? A funnel, a bucket of water and Cheer? A pressure washer and Surf?

AMY - Haha, loved your comment. A few beers and sweet nothings could convince me to do about anything, too. Except for Marcus Welby. He'd need a tranq dart gun to get anywhere near my ass again.

LINGO - I would probably be more open-minded about anal probing if my "first" had been with Doctor Quinn Medicine Woman instead of Marcus Welby.
By the way, I've heard aliens are the bomb when it comes to giving anal probes! ;-D

Marti said...

Oh lordie - I am laughing so hard I can't think of anything funny to reply with!

Thanks for the chuckles!

Meg said...

Laugh it up, but the world needs this. Believe it or not, my husband's grandfather died of complications from a hemhorroid surgery! As sad as it sounds, I still fall on the floor laughing when I hear that story! What a way to go!

David Amulet said...

Rocky: I'll pressure you the same way Jay and Jamie have pressured me at my site. PLEASE post more often if you can--you're one of the most consistently good writers we read. FEED US!!

-- david

Unknown said...

I love this site! I often re-read posts when I'm having one of those days when I need a laugh.

So, I'm jumping on the "POST MORE" bandwagon, even though I've never commented before. This post made me laugh so hard I almost gave myself hemmhorroids.

I said ALMOST.

Anonymous said...

hehe hemorrhoids is such a funny word... lmao - hehe

this is a long post - maybe you spent too much time reading up about hemorrhoids?

Rocky said...

MARTI - I'm always glad to give you chuckles.

MEG - Wow, what a way to go indeed.

AMULET - That is an incredible compliment, I really appreciate that. I will take it to heart and try to post more. The problem the last couple of weeks is I've been a bit overwhelmed at work. But I'll have a new post Wednesday.

CURARE Z - Thank you for reading and posting a comment. That's truly flattering that you re-read my posts when you need a laugh. And your post more suggestion is duly noted. I will try to increase my output.

AKA FATTY - Yes, I did spend a lot of time reading about hemorrhoids. I just couldn't help but laugh that there was an entire brochure dedicated to it. But(t) I did it all for the cause of entertaining my readers. :-D

The Radical Notion said...

You're too funny. And to think, all I get is credit card and life insurance offers. I'll be watching my mail for more interesting stuff now.

Debbie Cakes said...

Found my way over here from David A.'s place, and I'm sure glad I did. You know, it's true what they say about hemmoroids, no one does talk about them. Finally, someone has single-handedly answered all the questions I was just too embarASSed to ask.

Thank you for that.

Debbie Cakes said...

It's me again. I had to add you on as a link.
More people need to hear it like it is, and why not from an icecream addict?

Anonymous said...

it shows great honour and dedication to your faithful readers...

wow - persaonlised comment replies! i'm gonna comment more!

ps i love icecream. i love it!

Rocky said...

T - I hope you get some inspiring junk mail soon. ;-)

DEBBIECAKES - Thanks for coming over! I appreciate your comments and for the link. I will add your link to my blog as well. Hope to see more of you in the future.

AKA FATTY - Nothing but the best for my fans. I look forward to your comments. I love ice cream so much, if I ever lost a hand, I wouldn't replace it with a hook. I'd get a scoop.

Rocky said...

PHLEHMFATALE - Thanks for stopping by my blog. Love your name! Ha! That would be a question I'd be dying to ask as well. I wonder if the surgery is all it's "cracked" up to be?!