Sunday, February 19, 2006

Ways to warm up the Winter Olympics

The Winter Olympics need to spice things up if it hopes to heat up its image. If you are into winter sports, the Games do offer plenty to watch. But to nab a broader appeal and to boost the TV ratings NBC is always bitching about, the Winter Olympics committee needs to cash in on what viewers are looking for.

Even though Antarctica is a continent and not a country with no real native human citizens, I say add it to the mix anyway. Let the penguins compete. People love those slippery little dudes even more ever since that March of the Penguins movie. Let them do the luge on their bellies, and finish with a splash by directing the route right into the water. If people bitch that the Olympics are just for people, let Danny DeVito be the proxy athlete.

If that is deemed too drastic, there is a much easier fix: Add new sports. The snowboarding events was a start, but it is no time to let up. All you need to do is examine many of the mainstay sports to realize the Winter Olympics may need to add more excitement to the lineup.

Take curling. Ask me 25 years ago what curling was and I would have told you it was what kept my sister in the bathroom for 3 hours before a simple outing to the Pizza Hut (Which some may find more exciting than people sliding large rocks down the ice, where people with brooms try to "sweep" the rocks into position on a bullseye target at the end).

The biathlon combines the event of cross-country skiing with rifle marksmanship. Cross-country skiing is probably not the most exciting Winter Olympics event to combine with shooting. But give a downhill skier a rifle, and then we have a different interest altogether.

Organizers could surely come up with even better choices of which event needs to be armed, such as matching ski jumping with archery. Or how about making one of the two middle men on the four-man bobsled team actually do something besides leaning. I say arm him with a blow dart gun and try to hit marked spectators in the crowd on the way down.

Speaking of the bobsled, why not up the ante and have an 8-person event. The sled should look much like the shell of a 1973 Country Squire station wagon. But there should be more roles than just the brakeman and the driver. Might I suggest the other six participants each have to complete one of the following tasks on the way down the track:

1. Apply makeup.
2. Shave.
3. Consume a McDonald's value meal and a hot cup of coffee.
4. Make at least two cell phone calls.
5. Do a quickie crossword puzzle.
6. One has to pick on the other athletes to the point where the driver threatens to "stop this bobsled, and turn around and go home" if they don't behave themselves.

Extra style points could be added if the driver flips off another country's bobsled team during the run, officially bringing road rage to the bobsled track.

Some other new events that would be fine additions to the Winter Games:

Snowball fighting - This event would probably have to be closely monitored so countries like Iraq and Afghanistan didn't try to hide rocks within their snowballs, thus creating SMDs (snowballs of mass destruction).

Snow fort building - Judges would look for not only size of the fort, but special features such as multiple rooms, entrances and the ability to stand up inside. There would be a time limit, and the difficulty of executing the blueprint would be taken into consideration. Example: The United States team of Alaskans erecting an igloo in 45 minutes would mean certain Olympic glory.

Finnish Sauna - OK, so the Finns would be a natural favorite for the gold here. But people running out of a sauna naked and then rolling in the snow would definitely give the TV ratings a needed nudge.

Snow angel making - This event would be judged on artistry and perfection. Not only how good does the angel look, but is there any damage to the outer part of the angel when the participant tries to exit the imprint?

Snowman building - Athletes have to be careful in this event because if they start out too big on the base snowball, it may be too difficult to lift the "thorax" and head balls on top of the base. Creative design is also big here. If your snowman is decorated with just a couple lumps of coal for eyes and a carrot for a nose, don't expect to be on the medals platform. However, if your snowman is wearing the outfit that your country's Miss Universe Pageant contestant was wearing, then you may capture gold.

Lunchtray luge - The Olympiad lugers think they have a dangerous ride. Try clinging to a school cafeteria lunchtray when rocketing down a track at 80 miles per hour. To make it really interesting, an added requirement could be chugging a pint carton of milk on the way down.

3,000K icey parking lot walk - This can be a challenge after a nice sleet storm. It takes the perfect step and just the right speed to complete this course. Walking seems boring, but add that ice surface and you'd see more wipeouts than a surfing contest and more crashes than a NASCAR race combined. The resulting injuries would equal big ratings.

Ice scraping - As long as you have the ice-covered events, this would be another doozy. Of course, there would be the compact car event, which would be dominated by the Japanese. There would also be the SUV event, where scraping a two-inch layer of ice off of a Ford Excursion's windows would test even the strongest ice scraping arms. Any attempts to start the vehicles and use defrost heater settings would result in immediate disqualification.

Stick your tongue to a frozen flagpole - This event would combine the talent of arguing with the ability to rescue a teammate after his tongue has been hopelessly stuck to a frozen metal flagpole. After the proper double- and triple-dog dares are issued, the tongues get stuck and the clock starts. How quickly can the poor bastard's countrymen free him from the frozen flagpole? That time coupled with points for the least amount of tongue surface damage spell Olympic gold.

Name writing in the snow - This would be a real pissing match. Americans and Canadians would be so good at this event. I actually would even have a chance at being an Olympic athlete, and would really display my ability to "go for the gold."

As long as someone reminds the Danish to stick to names and not wizzing pictures of religious deities, the sport should be safe for spectators. The Dutch would be a bonafide contender in this event - their ability to put those little umlauts on their Häagen-Dazsy names and not dribble on their wooden shoes would be duly noted.


:P fuzzbox said...

I think that the writing your name in the snow event would go over great. And to add sex appeal, it could be made into a mixed double event like a tennis match. As Van Halen said, 'I've got a pencil. Anybody got anything to write on man.'

David Amulet said...

I will join you in lobbying the IOC for the inclusion of all these events--they are GREAT!

Perhaps we should start with baby steps. I'd like to see a combination of figure skating and biathlon--all the skaters taqke the ice at once, only one is left standing (or twirling, as the case may be).

-- david

Jay Noel said...

I was just talking about this the other day! We brought up the snow ball fight and fort building competition. I'd watch that for sure.

KC said...

Fun post! My first time to comment here. Probably not the last.

Anonymous said...

Some other events

1)Snow balling - A little chilly on the privates, but would appeal to the perverse.

2)Snow croquet - The challenge here is that all the wickets, balls, and stakes are painted white.

3)Competative yodeling - Like Ella Fitzgerald causing a glass to break with just her voice - The object of the yodeling competition would be to cause an avalanche to bury your competitors with just your vocal chords. Heading up team Switzerland will be the cocoa swilling Swiss Miss. Her only real competition would be from team USA's Pearl Bodine.

4)Snow cone eating competition

5)Ice Chariot races - Extra points awarded for dislodging your opponant from his four-horse open sleigh and cutting him to ribbons with your sharply-honed ice runners. Perhaps even more gore than traditional chariot race a la Ben Hur.

6)Polar Bearbaiting - Each team has its own polar bear and its own team of 10 vicious huskies. Winner of this event walks away with gold if its own bear lives to kill more of the other teams' huskies. Great event to bet on.

7)Snowmobile Jousting

8)Iceburg Ram - Each Country competing would have its own ocean cruise liner. The object would be to survive a full speed collision with an iceburg without your cruise ship sinking to the briny deep like the Titanic. Gold would be achieved by the ship that achieves the greatest speed upon impact with the least amount of damage.

The Radical Notion said...

Adding your events would probably be the only way you could get me to watch the olympics. For me, Olympics=yawn. Sooooo boring. They should liven it up.

Jeremy said...

I'm thinking I could take gold at avoiding the cold by sitting on a couch.

I also think the ratings would soar if they just showed Tanith Belbin every twenty minutes or so.

Rocky said...

FUZZ - I like the mixed doubles idea. Of course, some countries' women would have an advantage because they pee standing up.

AMULET - Thank you for your support. The figure skating idea is great. I can imagine a Tommy Gun and a triple axle would be a deadly combo.

PHOENIX - Great minds think alike. I think new events are sorely needed to add that extra drama to the games.

KC - Thank you for stopping by and commenting. Hope to see you again sometime.

SPAMMY - Great additions! They were all very amusing, with the yodeling/avalanche, ice chariot and iceberg ram were my favorites.

T - Glad to hear some of the changes you read about here would be enough to get you to watch.

TJOINT - Yes, that Tanith Belbin is quite striking. Then again, ratings could slip if they keep showing that Italian lady giving her partner who dropped her the death glare every 2 seconds!

Ladybug Crossing said...

I think you might be on to something here...

LOL!! Love your posts!!

StringMan said...

Rocky, those would all be great additions to what has become a relatively boring lineup of sports in the W.O.

I particularly like the name writing in the snow. I think I could compete in that. I can even do my name in caligraphy style. Looks terrific with that golden hue steaming from the white snow ...

I like the idea of mixed doubles, too! Women will definitely need a "degree of difficulty" formula in the scoring.

CT said...

what about Ice cicle fighting?
I like the snowball fighting too!!! LOL... Good Times... and mabe one day you can have that gold medal... Maybe for snow blogging or something?

Rocky said...

LADYBUG - Thank you, glad you like my attempts at humor. Thank you for the link, too, I will link you back :-)

STRING - That is very impressive that you can write your name in caligraphy in the snow. That, my friend, is a David Letterman show worthy stunt.
Yes, Fuzzbox always looks out for the ladies and how to get them involved. He is a very wise man.

CT - Yes! Icecicle fights! Great idea. Snow blogging, now that's a gold medal everyone here could snap right up.

ella m. said...

The first thing that popped into my head was someone getting disqualified from the snow peeing competition after being caught with some yellow food color and a case of aquafina.


warcrygirl said...

6. One has to pick on the other athletes to the point where the driver threatens to "stop this bobsled, and turn around and go home" if they don't behave themselves.

OMG, I would so medal in that event. Would I get bonus points for having a double-jointed right shoulder for those times I wasn't able to stop but still managed to smack the kids anyway?

Burfica said...

Hiiiiiiiii I followed your link from my sisters blog Alekx at Nitrogen Narcosis.

I love these ideas.

How about carving ice sculptures with a chain saw, and all you can wear is the coveralls and rubber boots, no long sleeve shirts underneath. You could make a pairs event too. Where two people carve the same statue, but a tenth of a point is deducted for any missing limbs or splattering blood.

I like Demolishion ice skatting. Make it like roller ball but on ice scates. hehehehe

Down hill skiing with a pack of hungry dogs right on your heels.

And that skeleton sport, they need to add this huge jump at the end that goes into a big lake. Extra points for stunts. and strap that dam sled onto their ankle like surfers do their boards. hehehehe

JohnB said...

Gotta work in parallel Sudoku puzzles somehow with that bobsledding event...logically speaking of course.

Empress Maruja said...

Funny post! I suggest they create a "Synchronized Ice Skating Competition". Much like synchronized swimming, only on ice.

Why? Well, a lot of people watches synchronized swimming events at the Summer Olympics.

I'm fooling myself.

Rocky said...

ELLA - That's funny! You are probably right. The police would raid the Austrian name-writing team's room in the middle of the night and find the goods. :-D

WARCRY - I think your double-jointedness would not only get you the gold, it would be on every Olympic highlight reel around. Also, if your arm was too sore after the event, I would carry you to the medals platform, much like that burly gymnastics coach carried Keri Strug.

RANEA - Yes, unbundling! Another perfect addition! The beauty of the undressing part is you know a few people would tip over. If they were too bundled up, they'd just lay there as their medal hopes washed away (along with the hot chocolate in their snowpants).

BURFICA - Hiiii back! Thank you for visiting my blog, and especially for commenting. Your sis Alekx is great!

Your ideas are very inventive. I really like the demo derby ice skating. My only question is, would they mimic car demo derbies and start out with their backs to each other, then speed to the middle and crash their asses together? If that was the case, my huge ass would take gold in the men's event. Brian Boitano can skate but he doesn't have "back" like me. I'm really loving that idea the more and more I think of it.

JOHNB - Ha!! Yes, the parallel Sudoku puzzles would be a logical fit in that event. In the four-man bobsled, they should at least require one of the middle dudes to solve a Jumble on the way down. Or maybe a Hocus Pocus puzzle.

EMPRESS - I like it! What if they cut a big hole out of the ice and they did the synchonized swimming there? But watch out because if the current sweeps one of the team members under the ice, the coach needs to use and axe to bust through and save the day. If NBC Olympic figure skating commentator Dick Buttons had drama like that to talk about, he'd probably shit his pants.

On My Watch said...

I like the icy parking lot walk event the best. Especially in dress shoes.

Helen the Felon said...

I think your Olympics would have way better odds against American Idol in the ratings. I'd certainly tune in for Lunchtray Luge.

Marti said...

Oh that was wonderful! Everything I've done today has been fighting me, I NEEDED a good laugh!

Thank you!

Amy said...

Hilarious... glad to have found your blog - Amy

Rocky said...

WATCHER - Wearing dress shoes would certainly up the ante as far as difficulty, and could score major points in the event.

HELEN - I agree. Idol is fun to watch but I think the modified Winter Olympics would be a bigger draw.

MARTI - Glad I could provide the laugh in an otherwise rough day.

AMY - I'm happy you found my blog, too! Thank you for reading and commenting!

Rocky said...

BAD GIRL - Welcome back to bloggin', baby!
Maybe there would be 2 divisions for women writing their names in the snow: Funnels and Freestyle.