Friday, January 06, 2006

Brokeback Burrito Line

I try to be as polite as I can be in public, but sometimes people make me eavesdrop. They don't hold a gun to my head, but they talk so loudly about a subject, I can't help but be involved in the discussion whether I like it or not. Sometimes I'm able to bite my lip and weather the verbal storm. Other nights, I'm not so lucky and just have to speak up.

A prime example of this happened while waiting in line at the Chipotle Thursday night. I was stuck behind a couple of guys whose voices carried like motivational speakers. Their intimate conversation was more like a lecture to the entire restaurant.

"I gotta tell you something, but you gotta promise you won't laugh at me," the tall guy wearing the bright blue old school Minnesota Timberwolves jacket and matching pants that made him look more like a peacock than a basketball fan told his buddy.

"Spill it, man," his portly friend with the shaggy sideburns said.

"I got totally duped into going to see a movie that was a million times worse than a chick flick," Peacock said.

"What?" Pork Chops asked. "Some foreign crap with subtitles?"

"That would have been cool compared to this," Peacock sniffed. "Now before I tell you, keep in mind I was totally deceived by my girlfriend."

"Sure, sure..." Pork Chops reassured him.

"Well, she told me it was going to be a western," Peacock said. "I was really excited. Westerns aren't made much anymore. I hadn't heard of any good ones coming out but I had just watched Tombstone again so I was totally stoked."

"There's a western movie out now?" Pork Chops asked, scratching his head.

"Hardly! She took me to fucking Brokeback Mountain!" Peacock screeched.

"Brokeback Mountain?!" Pork Chops shrieked. "Isn't that some kinda gay movie?"

"Yes it's totally gay!" Peacock said. "I ain't shittin' ya. It's about these two gay cowboys who knock boots one night, but then try to act like they liked chicks all along and get married and stuff. What a bunch of bullshit!"

"Wow, that's messed up," Pork Chops said.

"Tell me about it!" Peacock said. "I mean, who's heard of a gay cowboy? There's never been one!!"

I was stunned. Not about the movie's content, and certainly not about whether or not cowboys had life pardners. Just the fact that this guy didn't know that the movie included homosexuality. It would be like not knowing Liberace used to play the piano.

"Yeah, why does Hollywood have to make everything so gay?!" Pork Chop yipped.

The short African American man standing in front of me with the perfectly manicured nails, black platform boots and purple velour coat shifted in his spot uncomfortably. I figured he either A) liked the movie, B) was possibly homosexual, or C) was Prince. I decided at some point I would have to become involved in this silly little discussion.

"Think about all the cowboy movies and you can't find one gay cowboy," Peacock complained. "Eastwood? Bein' gay wouldn't make his day! Lee Van Cleef? Don't show him the beef. John Wayne? Fuck no!"

"No, no, no!" Pork Chop chirped. "And that famous cowboy song is called Home on the Range, not Homo on the Range. It's where the deer and antelopes play, not gays."

"Oh, come on," I finally interrupted. "You guys are kidding, right? Do you really care if there was a gay cowboy? Because surely there was at least one at some point in history. Heck, there might even be a gay Dallas Cowboy right now."

"No way!" Peacock said, spinning to address the line. "If anyone can show me proof of a gay cowboy in the entire entertainment industry, I'd pay you $100 right now! My money's safe because there's never been a gay cowboy. Ever."

"Ahhh, hold on just a sec, you might want to start fishing for that Benjamin," I said. "What about that dude from the Village People?"

Prince and most of the people in line erupted in laughter. Peacock's proud strut stopped. He unzipped his jacket. Either he was feeling the heat or it was an attempt to puff out his plume and attract even more attention.

"Village People?" Peacock asked. "You're screwed. They had an indian, not a cowboy."

"Not so fast," I said. "Yes, there was a Native American. But there was also a cowboy."

"Bullshit," Peacock said, rolling his eyes back trying to remember the YMCA video. "We know there was the indian. The lead singer was that cop. Then there was the biker guy... a construction worker... and some military guy."

"And?" I said, loving that I had this homophobe concentrating on every member of the Village People.

"Shit," Peacock said. "There was a cowboy."

"Yeah, it don't git no gayer than the Village People," Pork Chops agreed.

"Sorry buddy," I said. "I tell you what. I'll cut you a deal. Buy everyone in line who had to listen to you babble bullshit a burrito and we'll call it even on the $100."

"That's a load of crap," Peacock said. "You cheated. I meant there's no gay cowboys in movies. Some gay guy who dresses like a cowboy and sings don't count."

I reached at straw hats trying to come up with a potentially gay cowboy. All I could think of was that dude from Urban Cowboy who wore the mesh T-shirt to the honky tonk bar. And maybe cartoon horse Quick Draw McGraw. I was totally stumped and disappointed I couldn't keep pushing Peacock's buttons.

"What about The Lone Ranger?" Prince suddenly asked. "He wears a powder blue jumpsuit, a red scarf and a sexy little Mardi Gras mask. Does that sound like the wardrobe of a straight cowboy?"

"Hey, he rides Silver, not Tonto," Peacock said. "He's not gay. Or is he? No! Kemo Sabe ain't indian for gay. I think. Oh, crap, maybe he is gay!"

"Ha ha, don't sweat it, baby, I was teasing you," Prince giggled. "The Lone Ranger is not gay. I can guarantee you a gay cowboy would not be caught dead wearing a white hat after Labor Day."


pdxbiker said...

Another irony of life, the bigger the wager, the lower probability that payment would be rendered.

Good name for Peacock, a bird that makes a wager nature, in direct proportion to his plume, most of the time losing.

JohnB said...

That was classic, you betcha.

Haddock said...

That was brilliant! - I read somwhere that historically a lot of cowboys swung both ways, due to the shortage of cowgirls out on the range. How true that is I don't know but I bet Peacock would not have been happy!

just me, bitches said...

You are smoothe with an "e."

It took me 3 times to read it correctly before I got the joke.

You *finally* got me, Rocky!

Rocky said...

PDX - Very true, wise words. It's interesting how many times the loudest gamblers don't put their money where their mouth is.

JOHNB - Thanks. We share an interest in observational humor gone wrong.

HADDOCK - I have no doubt you are right on the cowboy history. I have also heard theories that there was also a shortage of men on the range, pushing the cowboy to explore other means of companionship, bringing new meaning to cowpoke.

JUDIBOOTIE - Flattery will get you everywhere :-) Thanks for the hat trick. I'm thrilled with the triple reading.

anywherebutTX said...

Should have mentioned Troy Aikman....Now that was one gay Cowboy....

:P fuzzbox said...

Y'all forgot the movie "Rustlers Rhapsody" where the hero of the story struggled with the idea of being a confirmed heterosexual.

Bailey said...

I also love to listen into other people's converstations. Now with people screaming into their cellphone EVERYWHERE, it has become an easy pastime to enjoy.

Great story, and I loved the names you came up with for the people.

Verification - fvsydhg

Naiad said...

Hehehe. So funny. ;)

Jules said...

that was BEYOND hilarious...oh to be there in person!!

So what happened? Did he pay you? Did he buy everone burritos??

Too funny!!

Rocky said...

ANYWHEREBUTTX - Hey, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Troy Aikman, that's funny. Too bad you weren't in line with us to add your 2 cents. :-)

FUZZ - Ahhh, I forgot about that movie. Rustler's Rhapsody was a hoot. Thanks for the reminder.

BAILEY - Yes, the cell phone conversations are others where you feel forcibly involved. I usually say really weird things loud enough for the people on the other end to hear. My favorite is "Hey do you have any toilet paper in your stall?" That typically ends the calls quickly.

NAIAD - Always a pleasure to make you laugh :-)

JULES - I appreciate the great comments. Thanks for stopping by. Wish you could have been there.
No, Peacock was so frazzled by all the laughter, he bolted out the door without making good on his bet or buying any burritos other than his own.
I think he was worried the crowd had turned on him and would just mercilessly pelt him with the names of gay cowboys.

Alita Pereira said...

That's a classic - I love stories about things that happen while your waiting in line.

Alekx said...

I know a gay married couple and they would have been going out of their way to run out to the car to find cowboy hats and come in flaunting and holding hands in front of that guy.
They just crack me up but I'm usually haivng to rescue them from getting their asses kicked. But it's worth it for the entertainment value they add to my life.

Dear Jane... said...

rocky, that was absolutely hilarious. Very funny, story, sir. I have no smart ass comment to offer...sorry, you said it all.

Rocky said...

FOXY - You have a good point. Maybe the guy in line would have been bragging the movie up had that been the case.

ALITA - Thank you for stopping by and commenting. We obviously share the love of in-line humor as well as online. :-)

ALEKX - That would have been hilarious. I really wish that couple you knew could have been in that line. I think I still could have retold the events from my position ROTFLMAO. I would have loved to see that unfold.

PENSLUT - Yeah, that guy was a real catch. Next maybe he'll get "duped" into renting The Birdcage because his girlfriend told him it was a thriller about the exotic bird black market.

JANEY - Aw, shucks, that's sweet. I appreciate your kind words (of course, I appreciate your smart ass comments too).

ANN - True, but as long as you have a stool and a bucket, a cow will let you get to second base.

On My Watch said...

"life pardners" - absolute genius.


Anonymous said...

Great post!

Rocky said...

WATCHER - I appreciate the wonderful compliment, especially coming from such a funny lady as yourself. :-)

RAINSTORM1212 - Thanks for stopping by and commenting. It's nice to know my blog is on a Philly cop's beat.

Rocky said...

KEVIN - Hey, thank you for the kind words and for checking out my blog.

The Radical Notion said...

Great post. Laughed all the way through it. What a bunch of dumbasses!

And good memory with the village people thing.

Zen Wizard said...

I think the REAL LIFE Billy the Kid was at least a bisexual...but in the movies, they try to SYMBOLIZE it, with a "metaphor," like "He's the left-handed gun" or something.

The Lone Ranger wore the mask so those dudes who left him for dead when Tonto found him passed out would not recognize him till he killed them--not exactly a "gay" thing...

I am trying to think of anything Quick Draw McGraw did that was gay, but he keeps cross-channeling in my mind with El CaBong (sp?)...who was not exactly GAY, just real damned weird.

There was a super-gay character on "Wagons East" (John Candy's swan song) but that was a PARODY of a Western, so I'm not sure that "counts."

If 10% of the population has always been gay, there had to be ONE gay cowboy SOMEWHERE...

polly + dieter said...
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polly + dieter said...

with so little time and so much drivel in the world your brokeback burrito line was a shining spot in our evening internet cruise. keep up the good work, we'll be watching.

Rocky said...

T - Glad you enjoyed my post. My memory isn't perfect, but I remember really important stuff like what the characters were in The Village People. :-)

ZEN WIZARD - Welcome to my blog, and I appreciated your comments. Very informative and amusing. If only you had been there in line with me to boggle the minds of Peacock and Pork Chops.

POLLY + DIETER - That was a really wonderful compliment, thank you. I'm really glad you cruised by my blog, come on back any time to see my humble attempts at humor.

Empress Maruja said...

That post really made my day. I hope you got your greenback.

Belated Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

so did you get a free burrito?

rev. billy bob gisher ©2008 said...

absolute major piece of work. if i can remember, next linky do i got up you get a linky do. trigger was gay.

booklover said...

this is great! Thank you for not letting this guy's idiocy go unchecked, and what a funny story! I can't believe he didn't know what that movie was about!

Rocky said...

EMPRESS - I'm happy the story made your day. No greenback, but did have some fun. Happy New Year.

LINGO - I forgot about the Rhinestone Cowboy! Your list of gay cowboy sites would have been just the smoking guns to hand to Peacock during the debate.

CT - No free burrito, as Peacock retreated with his plume between his legs.

REV BB - Very funny... I had no idea Trigger was gay. That would have really sent Peacock over the edge to start "outing" various famous cowboys' horses.

BOOKLOVER - Thank you for reading my blog and commenting. It is truly amazing that this guy wasn't up to speed with the movie's subject matter. He must have been residing under a rock prior to movie night.

Tonya said...

Very rarely does a blog post make me laugh out loud. Yours had me rolling! I will definitely be stopping back by.

Rocky said...

TON - I'm honored to have made you laugh out loud. Thank you for reading and commenting. Come back anytime to visit!

warcrygirl said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh man, I've missed coming here. I read somewhere that just because two guys get it on once and then live heterosexual lives after that it doesn't mean they're gay. Apparently there's rules or something...

Rocky said...

CAT - Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting. I was very flattered about what you said concerning my writing. Hope to see you again. :-)

WARCRY - I've missed your comments! Thanks for coming back! There's rules for just about anything, isn't there? haha :-D

Mel said...

Hey, I just stumbled on your blog through blog explosion and I wanted to let you know I also live in the Twin Cities... and I buy from Schwans!!

Looks like a fun blog.